About me
I am a quantitative marine ecologist interested in applied research for a more proactive, sustainable and climate-resilient world. Broadly, my interests span seafood sustainability, fisheries, climate change, dynamic risk adaptation and ecological forecasting. My PhD was recently conferred at UniSC Australia and CSIRO Environment, where I worked on predicting, forecasting and projecting parasitic infection in broadbill swordfish responsible for causing “jellymeat” (post-mortem myoliquefaction) off Eastern Australia. In addition to my PhD, I (i) was a Chapter Scientist and Contributing Author for the ‘Oceans and Coastal Ecosystems and their Services’ chapter for Working Group Two’s contribution to the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report, (ii) tutored ecological statistics in R, and (iii) supervised undergraduate and honours research students at UniSC.
First author:
- Bolin J, Evans K, Schoeman D, Spillman C, Moore II T, Hartog J, Cummins, S & Scales K. 2024, A warming western boundary current increases the prevalence of commercially disruptive parasites in broadbill swordfish. Fisheries Oceanography.
- Bolin J, Schoeman D, Evans K, Cummins S, Scales K. 2021, Achieving sustainable and climate-resilient fisheries requires marine ecosystem forecasts to include fish condition. Fish and Fisheries.
- Bolin J, Cummins S, Mitu S, Schoeman D, Evans K, Scales K. 2021, First report of Kudoa thunni and Kudoa musculoliquefaciens affecting the quality of commercially harvested yellowfin tuna and broadbill swordfish in Eastern Australia. Parasitology Research.
- Bolin J, Schoeman D, Piza-Roca C, Scales K. 2020, A current affair: entanglement of humpback whales in coastal shark-control nets. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation.
You can find a full list of my publications on my Google Scholar page. I’m also keen and available to serve as a reviewer. So far, I have reviewed for Fisheries Oceanography, Scientific Reports, Marine Biology, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, Movement Ecology, ICES Journal of Marine Science, Fisheries Research, Conservation Science and Practice, Marine Environmental Research, Animals and Parasitology Research.